VERA Item Table Specs (see schema id for version)

Data specs on tasks and items in assessments in education.

Go to the Schema section of this document and select one schema. Expand all nodes and explore.

Go to item-table to learn more about VERA data structures.


  • SEND iqb_data_structures

    Operation IDPlease select one schema

    Accepts the following message:

    Message IDselect_schema



  • object
    uid: item-table-dataset@vera-standard@1.0

    Data structure to unite all data for a subject.

  • object
    uid: task@vera-standard@1.0

    Data structure to describe a task as part of an assessment in education.

  • object
    uid: item@vera-standard@1.0

    Data structure to describe an item as part of an assessment in education.

  • object
    uid: test-module@vera-standard@1.0

    Data structure to describe an instrument (i.e. a module or a booklet) in assessments in education (sequence of tasks/items).

  • array<object>
    uid: booklet@vera-standard@1.0

    Lists modules for the booklet.

  • object
    uid: metadata-entry@vera-standard@1.0

    Data structure to describe an entry in a list of metadata of an object.

  • array<object>
    uid: vocab@vera-standard@1.0

    List of possible metadata entries for an object.