Diese Angular-Programmierung ist die clientseitige Web-Anwendung für das Online-Testen des IQB. Über diesen Weg wird die Programmierung allen Interessierten zur Verfügung gestellt. Eine Anleitung zum Installieren und Konfigurieren wird schrittweise an dieser Stelle folgen.
This is the frontend of the IQB Testcenter application. It's written in Typescript using Angular 9.
You can find the backend here.
The repository for a complete setup of the application can be found here.
All the necessary commands for running the application and starting the tests can be found in the Makefile on the root directory.
make init-dev-config
make run
make stop
For those to work the containers have to be running.
make test-unit
make test-e2e
For local development you can copy the packages from the container to a local directory. Use the following command for this:
For this to work the container has to have been created (not necessarily running).
make copy-packages
To install new packages use:
make install-packages packages="<package-name> [<package-name> ...]"
If you leave out the argument all packages defined in package.json will be installed.
make install-packages
npm install
ng build --prod
Find the compiled app in src folder and open in Browser or serve with ng serve
We are using ESLint with the base or airbnb with our own rules on top.
File bug reports, feature requests etc. here.